Thursday, September 3, 2020

Crossing Brooklyn Ferry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intersection Brooklyn Ferry - Research Paper Example He makes huge affirmations from the earliest starting point, the he finds in everything a â€Å"simple, reduced, very much joined scheme† (Section 2, etc time and spot â€Å"avail not† (segment 3) an uplifting guarantee of amicability, solidarity and solidarity on the planet and all through time. The focal reason for the sonnet is to impart this contention and feeling of parity and solidarity, to clarify it as well as, to communicate it in the most immediate course (Coffman). They state that an individual can go past individual personality, change and time through shared human instinct and experience, through the physical world itself and through centerpieces, Whitman’s Crossing Brooklyn Bridge being a case of masterpieces that discussions about how people can live in amicability and solidarity on the planet and all through life. The possibility of workmanship being a methods for transcending time is on that Whitman’s sonnet, ‘Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry’ shares with different sonnets like Ode on a Grecian Urn by Keats. This contention is made to get an energizing and sensation greatness that other comparative artists have not had the option to do in contrast with Whitman (Cavitch). Pundits who have remarked about how the sonnet can understand development and movement and how the phonetics and symbolism utilized in the sonnet appear to be moving and streaming. The sort of experience about existence that Whitman discusses and caught in this manner is by all accounts more like a film than a sculpture. The creator additionally incorporates particular lines and statements which talk about life’s battles and shortcomings as a topic in the sonnet. In the line â€Å"The dull tossed its patches downward on me also† (area 6), the sonnet communicates another manner by which Whitman discovers solidarity and amicability across time. From the start it tends to be seen that the dull patches allude to â€Å"curious unexpected questionings† (area 5) that energize inside the creator. After the dim patches,

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Paper Tigers by Wesley Yang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paper Tigers by Wesley Yang - Essay Example Yang talks for the most part about men, and Pozner looks at generalizations about ladies. From the examination and correlation of the contentions of the two articles, it follows that racial generalizations work in various manners for people. In general, the paper will dissect racial generalizations made in corporate America (in light of Yang’s work), racial generalizations on the media (in light of Pozner’s piece) and look at the manners in which racial generalizations work for people (through the investigation of the two articles). As it has been referenced above, in his exposition, Wesley Yang addresses generalizing of Asian American guys at the working environment, in corporate America specifically. In particular, Yang examines the idea, which is alluded today as the Bamboo Ceiling characterized as â€Å"an undetectable obstruction that keeps up a pyramidal racial structure all through corporate America, with bunches of Asians at junior levels, many in center admini stration, and for all intents and purposes none in the higher compasses of leadership†. As it were, the writer of this article guarantees that in spite of the way that a large number of Asian Americans move on from tip top colleges with higher evaluations than agent of other ethnic gatherings living in the United States, they are not seen as reasonable for holding driving situations in business. To demonstrate this, Yang tends to the factual information, in agreement to which Asian Americans, and Asian American men specifically, are in the minority with regards to holding driving positions.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Strtegic Mrketing Plan of Amazon Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strtegic Mrketing Plan of Amazon - Case Study Example Ð mð °zð ¾n trð °nñ•fð ¾rmed itñ•elf frð ¾m Ð ° Ã'•pecið °lty retð °iler intð ¾ Ð °n Ð ¾nline Ã'•hð ¾pping pð ¾rtð °l, tð °king Ð ° sign frð ¾m Ð °uctið ¾neer eBÐ °y, which Ã'•et itñ•elf up Ð °Ã±â€¢ Ð ° medið °tð ¾r between purchaser Ð °nd Ã'•eller. It Ã'•tð °rted Ã'•elling prð ¾ductñ• frð ¾m cð ¾mpð °nieñ• Ã'•uch Ð °Ã±â€¢ Tð ¾yñ• R Uñ• Ð °nd Tð °rget Ð ¾n itñ• Web Ã'•ite. It Ð °dded merchð °ndiñ•e frð ¾m Ã'•mð °ller retð °ilerñ• in itñ• zð… hð ¾pñ•. Ð nd it cð ¾mpeted straightforwardly with eBÐ °y thrð ¾ugh itñ• Ð mð °zð ¾n Ð uctið ¾nñ•. Thð µ firñ•t phð °Ã±â€¢e Ð ¾f plð °nning Ã'•trð °tegic mð °rketing plð °n iñ• tð ¾ characterize thð µ buñ•ineñ•ñ• miñ•ñ•ið ¾n. Ð Ã±â€¢ (Crð °venñ•, 2003, 198) Ã'•tð °teñ• 'Buñ•ineñ•ñ• miñ•ñ•ið ¾n iñ• Ð ° brð ¾Ã° °dly characterized, suffering Ã'•tð °tement Ð ¾f purp ð ¾Ã±â€¢e thð °t diñ•tinguiñ•heñ• Ð ° buñ•ineñ•ñ• frð ¾m Ð ¾thð µrñ• Ð ¾f itñ• type.' Briefly, buñ•ineñ•ñ• miñ•ñ•ið ¾n iñ• tð ¾ give thð µ directið ¾n, which preñ•entñ• thð µ one of a kind Ã'•cð ¾pe Ð ¾f buñ•ineñ•ñ•, itñ• viñ•ið ¾n Ð °nd Ã'•pecific cð ¾mpetence and cð ¾mpetitive Ð °dvð °ntð °geñ•, Ð °nd tð ¾ tell emplð ¾yeeñ•, cð ¾nñ•umerñ•, (Beñ•t, 2000, 21) Ð °nd Ã'•hð °rehð ¾lder whð °t Ð ° cð ¾mpð °ny iñ• Ð °nd whð °t kind Ð ° cð ¾mpð °ny emplð ¾yeeñ• Ð °re in. It iñ• like Ð ° fð °ce Ð ¾f Ð ° cð ¾mpð °ny Ð ¾r Ð °n Ð ¾rgð °nizð °tið ¾n thð °t repreñ•entñ• Ð °ll Ð ¾f it. In Ð °dditið ¾n, buñ•ineñ•ñ• miñ•ñ•ið ¾nñ• Ð °re bð °Ã±â€¢ed Ð ¾n fð ¾ur cð ¾re cð ¾nceptñ•, nð °mely purpð ¾Ã±â€¢e, Ã'•trð °tegy, Ã'•tð °ndð °rdñ• Ð °nd behð °við ¾rñ•, Ð °nd cð ¾mpð °ny vð °lueñ•. Nð ¾kið ° Ð °lwð °yñ• cð ¾mmunicð °te thð µ cð ¾ncept thð °t thð µir prð ¾ductñ• Ð °re cð ¾nnecting tð ¾ peð ¾ple tð ¾ thð µir cð ¾nñ•umerñ•. Thð µy emphð °Ã±â€¢ize deñ•ign, Ð °nd thð °t each functið ¾n Ã'•hð ¾uld fit everyð ¾ne, becð °uñ•e technð ¾lð ¾gy iñ• humð °nity'ñ• inventið ¾n. Furthð µrmð ¾re, buñ•ineñ•ñ• miñ•ñ•ið ¾nñ• mð °y be affected by three fð °ctð ¾rñ•. Thð µre Ð °re cð ¾mpð °ny'ñ• cð ¾mpetence, envirð ¾nment chð °nge, Ð °nd reñ•ð ¾urce reñ•pectively (Beñ•t, 2000, 21).

Monday, June 8, 2020

Females In The Infantry Writing To Summarize, Synthesize & Explicate - 1375 Words

Females In The Infantry: Writing To Summarize, Synthesize & Explicate (Term Paper Sample) Content: Natalie Garvey Ms. Heidi Hall English 201 Females in the Infantry Women have only been allowed in the United States military for roughly 100 years and before that many argued against the right for them to join. Not till 2013 did women start to get accepted into the United States infantry. A basic explanation of the infantry is a unit in the armed forces who fight combat on foot. For a long time, many argued that women don't belong on the front line of fighting wars but had finally passed that if females can meet the training standards they can join. Now in 2018 many still argue on reasons why or why not women should remain a part of the United States infantry. Commonly debated issues in females joining the infantry include things like physical body characteristic differences and sexual assault/harassment issues. Many believe and argue that women have no place being a part of frontline combat also referred to as the infantry. Physical body characteristic differences have been claimed to lead to more injuries. According to Aharon Finestone, et al. who write in their journal "Overuse Injuries in Female Infantry Recruits during Low-Intensity Basic Training." that women have had a major problem with stress fractures in their hips due to just basic training which is required for all going into the armed forces. Training was then adjusted to prevent injuries. Along the same lines, Capt. Lauren F. Serrano, a female officer in the United States Marine Corps, writes in her article "Why Women Do Not Belong in the U.S. Infantry" that injuries in females isn't a new topic and adds infantry training shouldn't be adjusted to incorporate women. Serrano believes that the infantry isn't about who can make it in but making sure they have the strongest and most efficient for the mission. Finestone explains that women's bodies are constructed differently which is a reason for so many of the injuries that occur. Also, Finestone explains that females acquire a lot more injuries compared to males and showed that women doing the same training in the infantry acquire a higher percentage of stress fractures (630). Serrano notes that women that choose to go into the infantry will most likely acquire an injury that could be career ending (37). Both authors seem to agree that females shouldn't be a part of the infantry because of the injuries that occur due to different physical body characteristic that can affect not just their careers but how they live their lives. While injury is a massive problem for females in the military Serrano also adds that it's not the only reason women shouldn't be in the infantry. Serrano claims having females in the infantry would cause more sexual assault/harassment charges to happen (39). However, Author Capt. Eric Hovey writes in his article "Why Women DO Belong in the U.S. Infantry" that sexual assault/harassment charges aren't going to go up nor down because of females being put in infantry units (3). Hovey explains that if someone is going to assault a female Marine what is to stop them from attacking any other female. Serrano argues that female Marines are in the best shape of their lives and are the perfect specimen for hormone enraged 18-year-old boys. While Serrano believes in the saying of boys will be boys Hovey strongly disagrees. Hovey states that females shouldn't be the ones to blame for horrendous acts and to keep in mind that everyone can control their urges. Serrano believes that women are overall a distraction for males and takes away from unit readiness and affects the strong brotherhood in the infantry (38). Serrano questions the motives of these young women as they join in the ranks of the marines. She says that the main reason why these young women join the ranks of the army is purely because of their selfish interests without considering the impacts that this would have on them after their service in the infantry (37). However, Hovey sharply disagrees and thinks that the assumption or opinions of Serrano are generalized and he believes that no one knows the motivation behind ones attempt to rise through the ranks of the infantry and he goes on and gives an example of women being allowed to vote back in the days (1). He continues to say that the arguments posed by Serrano are clichà © and shouldn't be tolerated and therefore suggests that women who are capable should not be barred from doing what they can do. Serrano thinks that there are instances of aping without logic behind it and this is after following closely on why any particular army would allow women into the infantry. She suggests that there are other light duties that women can do well in rather than the heavy lifting. She says that the reason why the Israeli and the Kurdish and other governments are entirely different from that of the American government is that the other governments have allowed women into the infantry because they need the manpower and not the expertise as compared to the American infantry and government (38). With constant attacks of the Israeli army, they need a more significant number to counter the advancement of their enemies. She suggests that allowing women into the American infantry would compromise the standards of the army as there are tasks which she thinks the women cannot handle effectively. She also calls upon all the women to accept that, indeed they are different in terms of their physicalit y from men and other factors and the first article can attest to his that women seem to have overuse injuries when they try to keep up with the same types of training that men undergo than when they engage in lighter exercise which they do better in. Serrano still goes on to say that the women make missions difficult in terms of the general morale training and readiness in the infantry units and she is of the idea that women can do best in specific areas such as the Human intelligence and she thinks that these women can accomplish the tasks which the men in the infantry cannot be able to achieve. She credits this to the nature of their gender, and she affirms that because of this, such units have remained to be stronger and most effective. Whereas Serrano articulates all those ideas, Hovey is of a different opinion and tags such views as sexist and disheartening. He thinks that there is no reason why the women should be barred from doing some duties just because they were born women . He asserts that women have broken the barriers and have done well in the same fields just as men and with this, there is no apparent reason to bar these women from doing what they are good in (2). He thinks that such advances will kill institutions such as the Lioness program and the Female Engagement Teams, both of which he says, proved that women could play in counterinsurgency scenarios and the function in winning ‘hearts and minds.' Serrano doesn't see it fit for women to be in the infantry because in so doing, the identity, motivational tactics, and camaraderie is disrupted (38). She suggests that the jobs at the infantry are physically and emotionally demanding and therefore the operations at the infantry are carried out in a cult-like brotherhood organization. She says that the infantry is one place where individuals need to focus and free from distractions such women and do many other things such as joke and fart without being discriminated and by doing this, a bond is created unlike when a woman is among them. She questions the morality of such blending, the urge that these young men would have with physically fit women around them, and the logistics that need to be put in place to accommodate these women. She deems it costly and thinks it a task even to the families of these Marines as a wife would be left worrying about a husband lying next to a female marine (39). However, Hovey is of a different idea, a nd he thinks that the reasons Serrano brings forward should not be taken seriously, and he thinks women should not be punished by being blocked from the infantry because of issues that may arise when they relate with their male counterparts. He asserts that removing women from the infantry is not the solution to ending such problems and he poses (2). "Moreover if a marine is willing to assault another marine, what is to say that he will not assault a civilian woman back in garrison or a foreign national while deployed? Simply put, removing women from the infantry is not a guarantor of removing the problem of sexual assault from the infantry (3)." In the study by Aharon Fineston...

Sunday, May 17, 2020


TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader’s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That’s why one cannot lay down a fixed â€Å"model† for a piece of critical appreciation. Nevertheless, one can give information and suggestions that may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately†¦show more content†¦It may also introduce the characters and the conflict, or the potential for conflict. The exposition may be accomplished in a single sentence or paragraph, or, in the case of some novels, occupy an entire chapter or more. Some plots require more exposition than others. A historical novel set in a foreign country several centuries ago obviously needs to provide the reader with more background information than a novel with a contemporary setting. COMPLICATION: The complication which is sometimes referred to as the rising action, breaks the existing equilibrium and introduces the characters and underlying or inciting conflict (if they have not already been introduced by the exposition). The conflict is then developed gradually and intensified. CRISIS: The crisis (also referred to as the climax) is that moment at which the plot reaches its point of greatest emotional i ntensity; it is the turning point of the plot, directly precipitating its resolution. FALLING ACTION: Once the crisis has been reached, the tension subsides and the plot moves toward its appointed conclusion. RESOLUTION: The final section of the plot is its resolution; it records the outcome of the conflict and establishes some new equilibrium or stability (however tentative and momentary). The resolution is also referred to asShow MoreRelatedMerger and Acquisition: Current Issues115629 Words   |  463 PagesAcquisitions Current Issues Edited by Greg N. Gregoriou and Karyn L. Neuhauser MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Also edited by Greg N. Gregoriou ADVANCES IN RISK MANAGEMENT ASSET ALLOCATION AND INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS DIVERSIFICATION AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT OF MUTUAL FUNDS PERFORMANCE OF MUTUAL FUNDS Mergers and Acquisitions Current Issues Edited by GREG N. GREGORIOU and KARYN L. NEUHAUSER Selection and editorial matter  © Greg N. Gregoriou and Karyn L. Neuhauser 2007 Individual

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Online Gaming in South Korea - 1629 Words

Online Gaming in South Korea The rise of online gaming in South Korea has brought improved economic prospects and notoriety, but at what price? Beginning in the late 1990’s South Korea has quickly become the undisputed king of the online gaming world. Gaming and the culture that has grown up around it are now the defining aspects of the lives of many South Korea youths. While this eruption of online gaming has created revenue for the country and made South Korea a global hotspot for international gamers it has also been a cause of concern in much the same way excessive television viewing and game playing has in the U.S. A number of factors contribute to the huge percentage of online-gamers in South Korea. A fast internet connection is†¦show more content†¦There are reportedly over 25,000 bangs in the country, open all hours of the day and inexpensive (Gluck 1). Game playing in South Korean is a much more social experience than it is in the U.S. Going to a bang, whether to play online or simply go to a chat room, has become the social activity for many young Koreans. It is what they do when they go â€Å"out†, how they escape the apartment complexes in which 50 percent of South Koreans reside (Herz 2). The choice of games that the South Koreans play also reflects their more social nature. Star Craft, a real time strategy (RTS) game by U.S.-based Blizzard Inc. was the first extremely popular game in South Korea in the late 1990s. RTS games can be cooperative team-based or simple head-head battles. At that time there was not a lot of choice in online games, particularly in Korea as they had limited or no access to U.S.-based massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) such as Ultima Online or Everquest. That changed when Seoul-based NCsoft released Lineage, an MMORPG for South Koreans. Now, as of March 2003, Lineage has 3.2 million active users – 2.2 million in South Korea -- whereas Everquest, the most popular game of its type in the U.S. and often dubbed â€Å"Evercrack† by both fans and critics, only has 430,000 users (Kim 1). Lineage is the most popular online game in the world (Levander 2). Games of this type require extensive social interaction. However, Lineage differs from itsShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Addiction Disorder1152 Words   |  5 Pages An increasing problem streaming throughout the global society today is IAD or Internet Addiction Disorder. Our culture along with many others has been consumed with the ease and pleasure of shopping, gaming, and social networking through online portals to the point that it has become an overwhelming problem for some people. What Internet Addiction Disorder is exactly has been the topic of much debate and so has what makes internet addiction so addicting. 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Freight Forwarding free essay sample

Blueprinting of Freight Forwarding Talk to executive Get personalized solution Access to new markets The only complete logistics and international trade services provider Customs clearance Global shipping freight forwarding Warehousing distribution Classification duty calculation Delivery of goods The business of forwarding freight is certainly picking up, as complete globalization is not only a prediction of things to come but already a reality that continues to expand. Forwarding freight largely involves international shipping, by way of truck, train, water vessel or airplane. All documentation must be accounted for as any international transaction is subject to governmental supervision and various legalities. Some of these documents (whether paper based or digitally stored) include invoices, shipper’s export declaration, bills of lading and other documents accounting for carriers that are importing or exporting products. Keep in mind that if you work in the United States in the business of forwarding freight then you must be licensed according to each respective authority. For example, an Ocean Transportation Intermediary requires licensing by the Federal Maritime Commission. Similarly, forwarders that work by air will require licensing as a cargo agent for the International Air Transport Association. A freight forwarder is a third party provider that plans the logistics, schedule, details and implementation of shipments from one location to the next. Logistics is the ability to smoothly and effectively organize the complex process of planning the flow, storage and delivery of goods and services from the point of origin to the final destination. A freight forwarder sends goods or services through some form of carrier such as a ship, airplane, truck, train or other vessel. Function 1. International freight forwarders move cargo to overseas destinations for exporters. They help to take care of the complex documentation required to import and export goods. The freight forwarding industry is becoming highly competitive, meaning companies are finding ways to streamline their services to attract and maintain the business of exporters. Features 2. Freight forwarders must know the rules and regulations of countries or other locations where they ship goods. They must have knowledge about the prices, charges, fees and other expenses related to each forwarding process. Some of the documents they handle include commercial invoices, export declarations and the bill of lading. Time Frame 3. In a freight forwarding transaction a sender will contact a freight forwarder to make sure that the designated shipping dates are reasonable. This is to be sure that the goods will arrive at the correct shipping port, airport, or other designated location according to the dates on the shipping contract. Identification 4. Depending on the country where the business is licensed, freight forwarders will be members of either a designated international association or licensed by appropriate communities or intermediary agencies. Significance 5. Other duties of an freight forwarder include arranging for the packaging of goods or putting them in containers. Some actually pack merchandise to avoid against damage during transport. They also reserve space on the appropriate shipping vessels, and review and prepare freight documents such as the letter of credit. In international forwarding, they work with overseas customs brokers to assure that the forwarded goods meet the standards and regulations of the destination to which they are being sent. At the destination, freight forwarders make sure that the goods are delivered to the destination chosen by the sender. Freight forwarding is a service used by companies that deal in international or multi-national import and export. While the freight forwarder doesnt actually move the freight itself, it acts as an intermediary between the client and various transportation services. Sending products from one international destination to another can involve a multitude of carriers, requirements and legalities. A freight forwarding service handles the considerable logistics of this task for the client, relieving what would otherwise be a formidable burden. Freight forwarding services guarantee that products will get to the proper destination by an agreed upon date, and in good condition. The freight forwarding service utilizes established relationships with carriers of all kinds, from air freighters and trucking companies, to rail freighters and ocean liners. Freight forwarding services negotiate the best possible price to move the product along the most economical route by working out various bids and choosing the one that best balances speed, cost and reliability. A freight forwarding service generally provides one or more estimates to the client along with advisement, when necessary. Considerations that effect price will range from origin and destination to special requirements, such as refrigeration or, for example, transport of potentially hazardous materials. Assuming the client accepts the forwarders bid, the freight is readied for shipping. The freight forwarding service then undertakes the responsibility of arranging the transport from point of origin to destination. What is Freight Forwarding? What do forwarders do? Freight forwarding is all about the smooth flow of international trade. The freight forwarder is the party who ensures that internationally traded goods move from point of origin to point of destination to arrive: * At the right place, * At the right time, In good order and condition, * At the most economic cost. To accomplish this, expertise is required in a number of different areas: * Logistics Close co-operation is required with transporters in every mode – road, rail, sea and air. Freight forwarders are constantly negotiating freight rates with transport providers, comparing the costs of moving cargo along different routes via different modes and then designing logistics infrastructures which provide the best c ompromise between cost, speed and reliability. Those involved in this aspect derive continuous interest and motivation from the fact that no two operations are the same, given the diversity of the nature of cargoes that are traded and the increasing numbers of doors being opened through the globalisation of world trade. Once a forwarder’s recommendations with regard to cargo routing have been accepted it becomes the responsibility of the forwarder to ensure that the goods concerned are transported and delivered as planned. The process of designing and executing these logistics plans has earned for the forwarder the title Architect of Transport. Statutory compliance A vital ingredient to successful trading on world markets is that every transaction must comply with a myriad of statutory measures and their related procedures, especially those associated with Customs. It is in this area that the specialised skills and knowledge of the freight forwarder come to the fore. Without these, international traders would become hamper ed through being distracted from their core activities-meeting the material needs of world business. * Risk Management To every international trade transaction there is an element of risk and the increased complexity of international trading as compared to local buying and selling requires that these risks are managed with tools which are correspondingly more sophisticated. International traders require that their forwarders be in position to advise and assist them in minimising those risks which are particularly associated with the movement of goods – loss, damage and destruction, although the exposure of forwarders to the international environment in its entirety makes their counsel as regards matters like credit and currency risks very much sought after. Finance and Payment Forwarders are entrusted with goods which are very often dispatched under conditions where buyer and seller are not known to one another. Under these circumstances the forwarder must scrupulously ensure that all requirements of the door to door operation are complied with to the letter, especially as far as the accurate and timely production of documentation is concerned – excellence in this filed leads to prompt settlement for goods purchased and atisfied traders. An especially gratifying aspect of freight forwarding is the facilitation, through consultancy and networking, of the entry of new exporters and importers into the international market. More often than not this involves advice as to the alternative methods of financing of the transactions concerned and the establishment of payment methods that are mutually beneficial to both parties. * Cross functional integration Business in the 21st century will be characterized by an important feature- the way in which suppliers, manufacturers and consumers are being drawn closer and closer together so that, for example, a six pack of Heineken beer purchased in a store in downtown Wichita, Kansas will provide instant input to the Heineken brewery in Holland for the next production to run, the next raw materials purchase order and the next sales forecast. The forwarder is ideally placed to act as the catalyst to maximize the benefit from advances in information technology which are revolutionizing these processes. Furthermore the role of the forwarder will be key because, in adopting cross functional integration strategies, companies are increasingly outsourcing their non core activities. The ability to ensure the efficient and effective door to door movement of goods from country to country from the time an order is placed until finished goods are delivered to the final consumer places the freight forwarder in a position to make a unique contribution to the enhancement of value to the activities of exporters and importers.